Master's program
Computer Engineering: Applied AI and Robotics

Admission Requirements

Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree in computer science (or related area) and basic knowledge in programming, mathematics (linear algebra, linear differential equations), circuit theory, and computer architecture.

Entrance Exams

According to the admission procedure for the Master’s degree program, applicants undergo entrance exams. The entrance exam consists of a motivation letter and an interview. After submiting the application, we suggest you to prepare a short(1-2 pages) motivation letter and prepare for the interview. You will be contacted shortly after the application is submitted. Sample questions for the interview can be downloaded here.

All applicants are encouraged to start applications early and take their time presenting their portfolio. It takes about 3 months to complete all the admission procedures and arrive here.

Detailed instructions about the admission process can be found here. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by e-mail at
